Luxury Car Tax is an invalid tax type for Cheques. One of the tax codes that you have used has been changed or deleted. A Currency Exchange account hasn't been set up for account: ^0. A Currency Exchange account hasn't been set up for the checking account: ^0. currency checking account I'm sorry. Your password does not have access to print checks. The checking account that you have used has been changed or deleted. One of the accounts that you have used has been changed or deleted. One of the jobs that you have used has been changed or deleted. The card referenced in the Spend Money Window has been changed or deleted. entry check The card referenced in the Spend Money Window has been deleted. entry check There is no check to print. Any changes you have made to this check will be saved before it is printed. This recurring check will be recorded before it is printed. The check you have just entered will be recorded before it is printed. This is not a check. There is no appropriate form to print. Reversal; ; Preparing reversing transaction… Erase Reversal Reverse Check Transaction Delete Check Transaction Don't Record Erase Check Transaction You have not assigned checking privileges to any account. An unbalanced transaction may not be saved as recurring. An unbalanced transaction may not be recorded. Vendor Payments purchase payment Settle Credits sale refund Click OK if you wish to void Check #^0. Payee : Out of Balance: Total Paid: Total Applied: ID #: Amount: Date: Check #: Memo: Account: Card : Job Amount Allocation Account Balance :